A Blast From The Past!

Just before Christmas last year I received a phone call from a gentleman enquiring about our Wonderpost 'Farm Fresh' Compost. He had seen our advertisement in 'Grow Your Own' magazine. When I asked where he lived I was delighted to learn he lived in Welwyn Garden City..... A lovely city just a few miles from where I had grown up....Tewin Wood. It soon became apparent he was very familiar with Tewin Wood and the surrounding area. I spent the next 20 minutes or so on a journey back through time remembering places and names from very deep in my memory as I was just a young lad when I moved there with my parents in 1967! We finished the call and Mac said he would be in touch next Spring.
In early February this year I opened a envelope and much to my surprise Mac had sent me a letter with some lovely pictures of all the villages and pubs we had spoken about all those weeks ago. Looking at the pictures brought back such happy times and I was so amazed Mac had taken the time to drive about take the photos and send them to me...it restored my faith in humanity.
I called Mac and I told him I would personally deliver his order so I could meet him and thank him and have a drive around my old 'haunts' We met up a few days ago and had a lovely chat on his allotment. I even took one of my daughters with me to show her my parents old house and the school I went to. We had a fabu;lous day out.