Beetroot Boro F1 Beta vulgaris Approx. 50-75 seeds per gram Beetroot is colourful, good for us and surprisingly versatile. It is also very easy to grow. Beetroot seed is a cluster and each one may produce 2 or 3 seedlings. Monogerm varieties have also been produced for precision drilling where no thinning is necessary. Beetroots are usually deep red but also come in golden/orange. Our Chioggia variety is pink and white.
Boro F1 is a main-crop beetroot of professional quality. It has a deep red internal colour and a very good taste. It is productive, uniform and stores well.
How to grow: Sow direct into a well-prepared planting site from March until July. Make shallow drills and sprinkle the seed about 2 cm apart. Cover with fine soil. You should allow about 30 cm between rows. Thin the seedlings to about 8-10 cm apart. Succession sow throughout the season to keep you well supplied. You can start beetroot off in modules inside and they can be multisown. To do this put a pinch of seed in each module and plant out as a bunch. They will grow happily together, pushing out from the centre, although the individual beets will be smaller. Harvest baby beets at the size of a golf ball and main crop ones at about tennis ball size. Any bigger and they are likely to get woody. Pests and diseases: Beetroot is very trouble-free and not particularly susceptible to any pests or diseases. How to cook: Beetroot can be washed, peeled and grated for salads, although this is always a bit messy! It is also an essential ingredient of Borscht. Twist or cut the leaves down to about 5 cm. We like to wash but not peel (this prevents staining), then boil for 40 minutes plus depending on size. They can also be baked in foil in the oven at 150 °C (gas mark 2) for 2 or 3 hours.